Starting in the Fall 2024 run, Bloch is trialing participation in the MAX-IV Fast Access program, offering Sample Feasibility proposals. Please note the following:

  1. These beamtimes are intended to demonstrate technical feasibility to support a full beamtime proposal, which is reflected by the very short time allocated (a single 4-hour shift per proposal). Proposals that suggest an unrealistic measurement plan will not be accepted.
  2. One of the primary reasons Bloch is joining this program is to help new and inexperienced user groups write competitive proposals. If you are unsure about whether to apply or what to write in the proposal, email one of the beamline team who will be happy to help.
  3. Due to the administrative overhead associated with external users gaining access to MAX-IV, it is assumed that beamline staff will conduct the measurements. Exceptions to this may be considered for repeat users who need no training on how to operate the beamline, or for samples requiring special expertise or equipment to prepare.
  4. Only the A-endstation is available – no spin-ARPES at this time
  5. Wherever possible, cleaved samples should be sent to the beamline already glued to compatible plates and top-posted. We can send blank plates and secure carrier boxes if required.
  6. One more time, the allotment is a single 4-hour shift. Be realistic.

Follow this link to read more about all MAX IV Access modes.

Page manager: Craig Polley July 10, 2024