MAX IV operates 16 beamlines with an opportunity to add more in the future. The beamlines are situated on our 1.5 GeV (R1) or 3 GeV (R3) storage rings or the Short Pulse Facility at the end of the linear accelerator. Our beamlines provide modern X-ray tools to address scientific questions with spectroscopy, diffraction and scattering, or imaging techniques. Each beamline page includes information on the science they contribute to, their specifications, and contact information.
More detailed information about our beamlines is provided in the following document, especially about their X-ray photon energy range but also how most of them benefit from the small emittance of our light sources.
Download Beamline Information (PDF)
Beamline development in collaboration with WISE
The Wallenberg Initiative Materials Science for Sustainability (WISE) is currently funding the development of technical design reports (TDRs) for two proposed new beamlines at MAX IV. The work started in the spring of 2024 as a continuation of the conceptual design work done in 2023 and evaluated in early 2024. The TDRs are on track to be finished by March 2025, with the beamline project phase set to start as soon as full funding is available. The two beamlines are summarized below.
SpectroWISE will focus on HArd X-ray PhotoElectron Spectroscopy (HAXPES) with continuously adjustable photon energy in the range of 2.1–15 keV. The energy resolution will be better than 400 meV in the entire energy range, with a high-resolution monochromator enabling 200 meV resolution at a few select energies. The beamline will have two endstations, each with a flux of more than 1012 ph/s on the sample in the entire energy range. The beam size can be changed between <3×3 µm2 and ≥200×200 µm2. The upstream endstation will be dedicated to UHV-HAXPES with possibilities for batch analysis of tens of samples and user-friendly chemical mapping with a small beam. The analyzer will be able to rotate in the horizontal plane between 90 degrees and ~50 degrees with respect to the beam. The downstream endstation will have an open port and differential pumping stage enabling ambient-pressure HAXPES measurements. The users will be able to mount their own equipment, but the beamline will provide two exchangeable endstations: one for HAXPES at solid–liquid interfaces for electrochemistry and another for HAXPES at solid–gas interfaces up to atmospheric pressure for catalysis. For more information about SpectroWISE, please contact:
TomoWISE will be dedicated to hard X-ray micro- and nanotomography in the energy range of 20–65 keV. Two endstations will be built for this purpose. The first, a microtomography endstation, will enable high-speed, high-throughput tomography with a spatial resolution better than 1 µm and the potential to use a wide variety of sample environments. The second, placed at the end of the experimental hutch, will provide a nanotomography setup for zoom tomography in the cone-beam geometry, with a pair of multilayer KB mirrors focusing the X-rays down to a spot size of 200 nm, setting the limit for the spatial resolution. The beamline will be equipped with two insertion devices in the same straight section, which will be used separately: a cryogenically cooled permanent magnet undulator to provide an intense, millimetre-sized beam in the entire energy range, and a 3-Tesla 3-pole wiggler to produce a wide beam reaching 45 mm x 4.5 mm at the sample position. Both insertion devices will provide over 1012 ph/s at 65 keV. The beamline will be equipped with a double-crystal monochromator and a multilayer monochromator and will have an option for filtered white beam on the sample. A selection of stages and detectors will enable routine sub-second acquisition of tomograms, in extreme cases offering down to 1 ms 3D time resolution. TomoWISE will also have dedicated hardware and software resources to support users in online data analysis during the beamtime. For more information about TomoWISE, please contact: