LINXS and will run from August 2021 to June 2024. It gathers a range of national and international researchers and industry representatives within five working groups.
MAX IV is a partner in LINXS – Lund Institute of Advanced Neutron and X-ray Science. LINXS works under strategic focus areas reflecting broad research priorities – Soft Matter, Life Science and Hard Matter. Within these focus areas, the activities of LINXS are organised into Themes that usually run for 3 years and aim to bring research communities together.
– Through this theme, we aim to have an impact on the design of instruments and development of neutron and X-ray techniques, advance data analysis methods to fit food-specific research questions, and begin to educate a new generation of food scientists and technical experts, says theme leader Selma Maric, Business and Industry Coordinator at MAX IV.
The theme will bring together expertise in food science and technology with experts in characterisation methods using neutrons and X-rays. This includes the whole food chain from farm to fork and beyond. It will also work closely with industry to help advance the applied aspects of food science.
Read the rest of the news story at the LINXS news site.
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