The RIXS (Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering) technique was pioneered already in the 1980’s, and since then it has provided a broad range of applications. It relies heavily on access to a high brilliance source of primary photons, and it is only recently that the full power of the method has been realised. The new synchrotrons
SPECIES is an undulator based soft X-ray beamline, located at the 1.5 GeV storage ring. The offered experimental techniques are Ambient Pressure X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (APXPS), X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS), X-ray Emission Spectroscopy (XES) and Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering (RIXS). The beamline has two branches that use a common elliptically polarizing undulator (EPU61) and a
SoftiMAX is a soft X-ray beamline, dedicated to spectromicroscopy and coherent imaging. The beamline operates in the photon energy range between 275 eV and 2.5 keV and has two branch lines: one for STXM and Ptychography with a sub-100 nm focus, and one modular line for coherent and full-field techniques that require a larger beam
The hard X-ray nanoprobe of Max IV – NanoMAX – is designed to take full advantage of MAX IV’s exceptionally low emittance and the resulting coherence properties of the X-ray beam. The beamline is a powerful X-ray microscope. It focuses the coherent X-ray beam to an a tiny (below 100 nm) and extremely intense and
MicroMAX will open up new possibilities in the area of structural biology making it possible to study proteins in 3D and to follow them in time. MicroMAX will allow studying the molecules that are most interesting but most difficult to study because they only provide microcrystals. MicroMAX will provide a very small but parallel and
Research in a wide range of disciplines – materials science, nano-science, heterogeneous catalysis, corrosion science, polymer science, to name but a few – is in strong need of improved surface imaging techniques with structural, chemical, electronic, and magnetic contrasts at spatial resolutions in the nanometer range. Spectroscopic PhotoElectron and Low Energy Electron Microscope (SPELEEM) is
Both Solid-Gas andSolid-Liquid endstations are available for users HIPPIE is a state-of-the-art beamline for Ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (APXPS). The combination of the exceptional performance of the 3 GeV ring with an innovative design of the experimental station results in a beamline that is not just outstanding in a pure electron spectroscopy context but
ForMAX allows multiscale and multimodal structural characterization from nm to mm length scales by combining full-field tomographic imaging, small- and wide-angle x-ray scattering (SWAXS), and scanning SWAXS imaging in a single instrument. The beamline operates at 8-25 keV, with a beam size at the sample of ≈ 10 μm – 1 mm depending on mode
The FlexPES (Flexible PhotoElectron Spectroscopy) beamline caters for the experimental needs of both Surface/Material Science and Low Density Matter user communities offering the possibility to perform a variety of photoemission and soft X-ray absorption experiments in the photon energy range 43 – 1550 eV. The two-branch configuration with double-striped toroidal refocusing mirrors ensures maximum flexibility
FinEstBeAMS is a materials and atmospheric science beamline at the MAX IV 1.5 GeV storage ring. It provides ultraviolet and soft X-ray radiation with precisely controlled and widely variable parameters. The beamline has two branches: one branch is dedicated to ultra-high vacuum studies of surfaces and interfaces and the other to gas-phase experiments and photoluminescence