Members of the MAX IV Board
Professor Robert Feidenhans’l, Senior Scientist European XFEL (Chair)
Annika Jenmalm Jensen, Infrastructure Director Karolinska Institutet and SciLifeLab (Deputy Chair)
Anders Holmén, Head of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Astra Zeneca
Professor Ingmar Persson, Swedish University of Agricultural Science
Professor Lise Arleth, Copenhagen University
Asst Professor Marianne Liebi, PSI Center for Photon Science
Professor Stacey Ristinmaa Sörensen, Lund University
Torbjörn Holmström, Senior Advisor
The MAX IV Board has the overall responsibility for ensuring that MAX IV Laboratory complies with the regulations and agreements that govern the operation of the laboratory.
The Board’s key duties include:
- Specification and approval of working regulations and procedures for the Board, the Director and the Senior Management Team
- Specification and approval of steering documents
- Approval of financial reports with regard to the activities of MAX IV Laboratory
- Approval of the annual budget as well as of major investments required for maintenance and new constructions
- Approval of strategic documents requested by the laboratory’s funders
The MAX IV Board shall actively work to attract new funding and to promote the industrial use of MAX IV Laboratory.
The MAX IV Board is required to meet at least four times a year.
Members are appointed by Lund University in consultation with the Swedish Research Council (VR) and Vinnova. Board members are appointed for a term of 3 years. The term of the current Board runs from 1 January 2023.