About us

MAX IV Laboratory is a Swedish national laboratory providing scientists with the most brilliant X-rays for research with Lund University as the host university. The facility is funded primarily by Swedish and international research funders, consortia, and 14 Swedish research universities. MAX IV delivers high-quality X-ray light for research in materials and life sciences. The facility was inaugurated 21 June 2016.

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The MAX IV facility chevron_right
A lot of people gathered inside the big beamline ring

Science news

Case thyroid investigation

A new way to look at thyroid tumours

Follicular tumours in the thyroid can be difficult to diagnose as the entire follicle capsule needs to be sliced and inspected in order to detect ruptures. The current protocol involves cytology and histology, but these have limitations. Researchers from Uppsala University (UU) and Lund University (LU) are investigating the potential use of synchrotron-based virtual histology for 3D inspection of the follicle capsule at MAX IV.

Page manager: Communication May 11, 2023