Research projects

…NH3 in aqueous media under ambient conditions and an external voltage, i.e. electrocatalytic nitrogen reduction reaction (ENRR), has been identified as a potential solution. During ENRR, NH3 is produced by…

Previous SCIENTÍFika

…can be even much richer and more compelling than in the bulk. Lack of inversion symmetry and spin-orbit coupling, appearance of surface-electron states and resonances, relaxation and reconstruction, as well…

MAX IV involvement in European projects

…world-class collective of Europe’s premiere open advanced neutron (N), synchrotron (SR) and free-electron laser (FEL) complementary research infrastructures (RI), to promote curiosity driven excellence in research. In NEPHEWS the RI…

Safety requirements for employees

…ger upphov till i huvudsak foton- och neutronstrålning. Den ovan beskrivna strålningen kan i sin tur inducera aktivitet i acceleratorkomponenterna och närliggande material, en process benämnd (radio-)aktivering. Denna strålning finns…

Safety requirements for contractors

…start av acceleratorerna kan ske. Under avsökningsproceduren blinkar den orange lampan på panelen och sirenen med lång alarmperiod är aktiv. Om du är inne i området när någon annan startar…


…practically without any MAX IV coordination by applying for a project and an account on LUNARC in SUPR. Note: There is a special round in SUPR. Users can apply even if…

Data Handling

…devices. If accessing from any of the beamline computers, all data files can be found in the MAX IV data storage in the location: /data/visitors/balder/<Proposal-ID>/<Visit>/ <Proposal-ID> can be seen in…

Meet the students

…and Astronomy within the division of X-ray Photon Science. My research is based on the study of corrosion of alloys using a combination of in-situ Ambient Pressure X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy…