Research projects

…virtual screens to search for inhibitors in the largest commercial chemical library available (>34 billion molecules). By identifying relevant regions of chemical space with machine learning, we will improve the…

Previous SCIENTÍFika

…local anisotropy correlated with the local film curvature. A combination of piezoresponse force microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and Raman spectroscopy, and laboratory and synchrotron x-ray diffraction were used to probe…

MAX IV involvement in European projects

…ensuring economic (0.14 USD/W at R2R production scale) and environmental feasibility (50% lower CO2 foot-print in comparison to c-Si PV), substantiated by comprehensive Life Cycle and Techno-economic Analysis. LUMINOSITY will…

Safety requirements for employees

…Överfyll inte. Måste kunna stängas. Plastbehållare för flytande kemiskt avfall, nanopartikelavfall eller illaluktande kemiskt avfall. Fyll i etiketten med information om innehåll. Behållare för vassa föremål och nålar. Skåp för…

Safety requirements for contractors

…the extended chemical safety and a Lab-Access training (currently under construction). Contact the CS team for more information. The chemical safety laboratory located between the A- and the D-building will…


…MAX IV users can use the MAX IV Local Computer round SUPR -> Rounds -> Compute Rounds -> Centre Local Compute -> MAX IV compute Acknowledgement for the use of LUNARC…

Data Handling

…when it comes to using conda: Once the installation is complete, open Anaconda Prompt (which is a terminal like the windows command prompt). It should open a prompt. If…

Advisory bodies

…Garcia-Fernandez, Diamond Light Source, UK Soft Matter chevron_right Annela Seddon (Chair), University of Bristol, UK Arwen Tyler, University of Leeds, UK Didier Long, National Institute of Applied Sciences of Lyon,…