Safety requirements for contractors

…för MAX IV med avseende på joniserande strålning listas nedan för kännedom. Strålskyddslag (SFS 2018:396) Strålskyddsförordning (SFS 2018:506) Strålsäkerhetsmyndighetens föreskrifter om grundläggande bestämmelser för tillståndspliktig verksamhet med joniserande strålning (SSMFS…

Safety requirements for employees

…1.5 GeV ring beamlines and ten 3 GeV ring beamlines. Each beamline has at least one beamline hutch (an optics hutch). The hard x-ray beamlines at the 3 GeV ring…

Collaborations offering beamtime

…programs that are handled through the MAX IV application process and portal (DUO). DanMAX consortium chevron_right Danish privileged access, DanMAX Per the DanMAX collaboration agreement, Danish users (PI must be…

User information

…however, the beamline is accessible through the MAX IV general user program. DanMAX User Group Join the DanMAX User (Google) Group to join the discussions about e.g. data treatment, beamline developments,…

Sample environments and equipment

…outputs (TTL signals) in addition to facilitating continuous scans. Please contact the DanMAX staff before submitting you proposal requiring TTL triggering. (Compatible with PXRD2D and Imaging) Gas mixing panel. The…

Beamline development collaborations

…beamline chevron_right Danish involvement at MAX-lab has a long and successful history with Danish researchers being frequent guests at many beamlines and covering a wide range of scientific disciplines. The…

Previous SCIENTÍFika

…from living Symbiodinium cells extracted from a branching reef-building coral, Acropora and extracted from, and living within the anemone, Aiptasia. Further experimental data was collected while simulating thermal bleaching. We interpret the changes in scattering…

Science at DanMAX

…diamond, which are both made up of carbon atoms. The microscopic structure concerns e.g. the grain and pore structure of the material. The microscopic structure governs e.g. the hardness of…

DanMAX is catalysing industry research

…inside the zeolite, resulting in deactivation. At DanMAX, the scientists closely observe the structural changes occurring during deactivation and regeneration. This helps them understand the underlying mechanism and to prepare…