Safety requirements for contractors

…All personnel working with chemicals have to take the extended chemical safety training and they have the responsibility to inform themselves of the documented working rules located in respective areas…

Safety requirements for employees

…ammande ska din arbetsgivare genomföra en riskbedömning för ditt arbete. Potentiella risker kan identifieras genom att gå igenom listan nedan och se om ditt arbete innehåller risk för något av…

Research projects

…researchers at MAX IV, especially the FlexPES beamline.   Combining spectroscopy and diffraction for operando studies of complex oxides chevron_right Project title: Combining spectroscopy and diffraction for operando studies of…

Previous SCIENTÍFika

complete understanding of the complex quantum mechanical processes in the early stages of the x-ray induced molecular dissociation. In particular, recent MAX-lab results on the photodissociation of tetrabromothiophene and di-iodothiophene…

MAX IV involvement in European projects

…the user communities to instigate wider access across the most advanced RI of the world. The integration is simultaneously realized for the FEL, SR and N communities across the ERA….

Remote Experiments at BioMAX

…window). This is useful because you can open different programs in different spaces (eg, you can run MXCuBE, Albula and ISPyB in different spaces to make more room for each…


…available for download. Log in to Globus If your request to download data files is completed successfully you will get link(s) to access the data files in the email from…

Technical Notes

R3 beam dynamics High-Chromaticity_Optics_for_the_MAX_IV_3_GeV_Storage_Ring.pdf Internal_Note_20090902_Updated_Lattice_120614.pdf Internal_Note_20100318_Updated_Lattice_120614.pdf Internal_Note_20100512_Pulsed_Magnet_Injection_120612.pdf Internal_Note_20101101_Updated_Lattice_120614.pdf Internal_Note_20101203_Magnet_Synchronization_120612.pdf Internal_Note_20110117_Updated_Lattice_120612.pdf Internal_Note_20111124_Updated_Lattice_120611.pdf Internal_Note_20121107_Updated_Lattice_140129.pdf Internal_Note_20130724_OCO_Modeling_141009.pdf Internal_Note_20150129_MIK_Analysis_150130.pdf Internal_Note_20150930_MW_Threshold.pdf insertion devices Internal_Note_20090922_Insertion_Devices_for_the_MAX_IV_3_GeV_Storage_Ring.pdf Internal_Note_20100215_Insertion_Devices_for_the_MAX_IV_3_GeV_Ring.pdf Internal_Note_20101209_Elliptically_Polarising_Undulators_with_11_mm_Magnetic_Gap_at_the_MAX_IV_3_GeV_Ring.pdf Internal_Note_20111110_Comparison_Brilliance_MAX_IV_NSLS-II.pdf Internal_Note_20111220_Elliptically_polarizing_undulators_for_the_Arpes_beamline_at_the_Solaris_Light_Source.pdf RF cavities Internal_Note_20240410 Harmonic Cavity Parameters for Flat…