Research projects

…potential therapeutic target to treat patients with type 2 diabetes and thus development of inhibitors targeting UrdA is also within the scope of the project Structure-based fragment screening targeting Cancer…

Previous SCIENTÍFika

…and its potential as a drug target. Title: SAPUCAIA: The new SAXS beamline at Sirius Speaker: Leandro R.S. Barbosa – Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory Session Chair: Fátima Herranz Associated beamline: CoSAXS…

MAX IV involvement in European projects

…nanotechnology with targeted research questions for short- and mid-term impact. At the core of the RIANA consortium is the ARIE network (Analytical Research Infrastructures in Europe) that comprises European networks…

Safety requirements for employees

…som anlitar en extern entreprenör för ett arbete på MAX IV ansvarar för dem under hela vistelsen. Den anställde ska registrera den externa entreprenören i den blankett som finns på…

Safety requirements for contractors

In order to obtain access to MAX IV building, contractors are required to read the safety information and perform a safety test in the links provided below. Safety requirements for…


Lund University Computing Center Introduction Lund University computing center (LUNARC) can provide computing resources for processing data from experiments carried out at MAX IV as well as for related simulations and…

Meet the students

…doctoral student at the Department of Experimental Medical Science. My research employs time-resolved X-ray crystallography to elucidate the mechanism of Urocanate reductase, potentially uncovering a new therapeutic target for type…

Data Handling

Many IT services at MAX IV like access to experimental data and computing resources need a VPN and other authentication tools. It is strongly recommended that users install and familiarize…