ForMAX provides selected dedicated sample environments for its users, as listed below. More sample environments are under development.

Own sample environments

Users can bring their own sample environments, but we can provide only limited integration (TTL trigger signals, K-type thermocouples, and stepper motors). Please contact beamline staff well in advance.

Advanced rheological testing

We provide advanced rheological testing combined with small- and wide-angle x-ray scattering (SWAXS), see the science initiative page for up-to-date information. Due to the complex nature of these experiments, where we run several experimental modalities in parallel that each require specific expertise, we can only offer this capability to our users in collaboration with our academic partners.


A Cellkraft P-10 humidifier coupled to a simple sample cell is available. The humidifier can also be connected to sample environments brought by users (6 mm Swagelok fitting).

Load device

A Deben 500CT load device with either glassy carbon or polymer (ULTEM) windows is available.