Besides collaborating with users from academia and industry, MAX IV is an active member of diverse networks bringing together research infrastructures from all over Europe. These networks aim to improve services offered to the user community, optimise efforts through knowledge exchange, and jointly develop large projects on a European level to address current common socio-economic issues.

LEAPS – the League of European Accelerator-based Photon Sources – is a strategic consortium initiated by the Directors of the Synchrotron Radiation and Free Electron Laser user facilities in Europe. Its primary goal is to actively and constructively ensure and promote the quality and impact of fundamental, applied and industrial research carried out at each facility to the greater benefit of European science and society.

Front Page

The Analytical Research Infrastructures in Europe (ARIEs) provide unique windows into the workings of the world around us. They include powerful photon sources, such as synchrotrons, laser systems and free-electron lasers; sources of neutrons, ions and other particle beams; and facilities dedicated to advanced electron-microscopy and high magnetic fields.

They are centres of scientific and technological excellence, delivering services, data and know-how to a growing and diverse user community of more than 40,000 researchers in academia and industry, across a range of domains: the physical sciences, energy, engineering, the environment and the earth sciences, as well as medicine, health, food and cultural heritage.

The insights into materials and living matter made possible by their collective tools underpin the advanced research necessary for the success of the Horizon Europe Missions. The ARIEs provide free access to the scientific user community based upon scientific excellence and open data.


FELS OF EUROPE is a collaboration of all free electron laser (FEL) facilities in Europe, with the goal to meet the technological and scientific challenges of these novel and rapidly developing technologies and to provide a worldwide unique, pan-European research infrastructure that enables exploiting the full scientific potential of these unique accelerator based short-pulse light sources. The collaboration is an initiative of the ESFRI projects EuroFEL and European XFEL and includes 15 facilities in 11 countries.

Page manager: Magnus Larsson August 23, 2024