
The following equipment is planned for the Balder experimental station. The availability is indicated by the status and user call columns. Before applying for beamtime, please contact the Balder team to check the present status of the experimental station. New in this call is that the SCANIA-2D spectrometer, first branch, is open for all user. Please read more about our X-ray emission spectrometer in scania2D-CDR_20141117.pdf.

In addition, the SEDS group will in the future provide equipment/cells that can be used at the beamline.

CategoryEquipmentDescriptionStatusUser call
DetectorsEmission spectrometerSCANIA-2DIn operationyes
Fluorescence detectors7-element SDD, 2-20 keV
In operationyes
7-element Ge detector, 5-40 keVIn operationyes
Pulse processor electronicsXspress 3, tested up to 2 Mcps/element with SDDIn operationyes
2D XRD detectorEiger 1MIn operationyes
Ion chambersMAX IV design, paired with Alba EM# electrometerIn operationyes
Sample environmentCryostatsClosed cycle 15 K with sample in exchange gas,
MAX IV design
In operationyes
LN2, sample in vacuum with heatingLater
in-situ cellsLinkam, 1000oC furnace and controllerIn operationyes
Catalysis gas-flow cell, 600oCIn operationcontact Justus
Microfluidic flow cell (AdaptoCell)In operationcontact Kajsa
SynRAC, liquid reactor cell, stirring, heating 180oC, E >18 keVIn operationyes
Sample orientationTranslationMotorized horizontal 100 mm and vertical translation 100 mm,
hexapod <20 mm
In operationyes
RotationMotorized rotation around beam axis,
Manual rotation around vertical axis
In operationyes

The Balder lab is available for sample preparation during your beamtime. However, if you need to prepare in advance or require equipment not available at the beamline lab, then please check the general support labs and book via the links below.

Sample preparations and labs

There are several on-site labs available close to the beamlines, where you are able to prepare samples in appropriate environments.

For general information about the biological, chemical and microscopy support labs, please refer to our lab page.

If you want to book a lab directly, you can enter your MAX IV login on our booking site here.

Page manager: Kajsa Sigfridsson Clauss January 31, 2023