Photograph of equipemnt at the beamline BioMAX

BioMAX is the first X-ray macromolecular crystallography beamline of MAX IV Laboratory. It has been in user operation since 2017. The design goal for BioMAX was to create a stable and reliable beamline that is user friendly. The beamline experiment set-up is highly automated, in terms of both sample handling hardware and data analysis, and it can also to accommodate multiple experimental possibilities, like experimental phasing, in situ screening, and Synchrotron-based serial crystallography (SSX) experiments. Remote data collection is enabled by default. BioMAX hosts FragMAX , the MAX IV platform for fragment-based drug discovery.

Available forTechnique description
General UsersConventional rotation data collection (fixed point or helical) at a wide range of energies and variable beam size.
General UsersAutomated sample mounting and dismounting from UniPucks, 29 puck positions in dewar.
General UsersSample temperature 100 K; room temperature with or without humidity control available for manual mounting only.
General UsersSAD and MAD experiments. Interleaved data collection.
General UsersAutomated data integration, scaling and merging. Offline remote access for manual data processsing.
General UsersSX experiments using fixed target or flow chips compatible with the MD3 minikappa. Please contact beamline manager.
General UsersElement identification by X-ray Fluorescence. Fast energy scans.
General UsersAutomated data collection. Please contact beamline manager.
General UsersRemote data collection.
General UsersIn-situ screening with different plate types. Please contact beamline manager.
General UsersFragment-based drug screening. Please contact beamline manager.
Commissioning UsersAutomated sample mounting and dismounting of samples in capillaries. Please contact beamline manager.
See also BioMAX User Information.

Beamline documents

Macromolecular Crystallography Review Report (download PDF)

Page manager: Ana Gonzalez July 15, 2024