Regulations for the User Association of Synchrotron Light Radiation at MAX IV, FASM (Föreningen för användare av synkrotronljusstrålning vid MAX IV, FASM) Revised at the general annual meeting September 26, 2018
§1 Name and purposes
1.1 The User Association of Synchrotron Light Radiation at MAX IV, (Föreningen för användare av synkrotronljusstrålning vid MAX IV), FASM, is an association of scientists using the synchrotron light facility MAX IV in Lund.
1.2 The purposes of the association are:
- to give views on and discuss with the MAX IV management to make the working conditions at MAX IV as good and effective as possible for the users
- to spread information about the synchrotron light research conducted at MAX IV
- to communicate with the MAX IV board and management regarding information, safety, organization at beamlines, user support, etc.
- to communicate with other synchrotron light facilities and their user associations
- to annually, together with MAX IV management, organize a user meeting
§2 Membership
2.1 Membership
Everyone who will perform synchrotron light research at MAX IV will be offered to be a member of FASM by ticking a box in the DUO system. The membership in FASM will be automatically terminated the second year after the last activity at MAX IV. Persons who have not performed active research at MAX IV have to apply for membership from the FASM board. Members have the right to propose an item to be discussed at the annual meeting.
2.2 Exclusion from FASM
Members who have acted in conflict with the interests of FASM or MAX IV can be excluded from FASM by a unanimous decision by the FASM board.
§3 Organization
The highest deciding level of the FASM is the annual meeting. The FASM acting body is the FASM board. The FASM board consists of 7, 9, or 11 members elected for a time of three years, and a member can only be re-elected once. The number of FASM board members is decided and announced by the board one year before the annual meeting where an election can take place. The FASM board members shall preferably represent all techniques areas available at MAX IV in a broad perspective.
3.1 Annual meeting
The members of FASM have an annual meeting in connection with the annual MAX IV user meeting. If necessary, after a decision in the FASM board, an extra meeting open for all FASM members can be announced. The call to and the agenda of the annual meeting or an extra meeting shall be published on the FASM homepage at least two weeks before the meeting. At the annual FASM meeting, the following items shall be on the agenda:
- a) Election of chairman and secretary of the meeting
- b) The FASM board annual report for the last year
- c) Election of chairman and board members each third year with the start of 2018
- d) Election of election committee one year before the election of chairman and board members.
The acting time of the election committee is three years - e) Items to be decided or discussed as proposed by the board or a member (see §2.1)
3.2 FASM board
The FASM board is the acting body of the association. The FASM board consists of a chairman and six members. A person employed or financially supported by the MAX IV organization cannot be a member of the FASM board. The FASM chairman and board are elected by the annual meeting. The FASM board decides internally about positions as vice chairman and secretary and representatives in MAX IV committees as observers in the MAX IV board, the science advisory committee (SAC), the machine advisory committee (MAC), and other committees within the MAX IV organization as decided by the MAX IV board or management.
The FASM board shall have meetings in connection with the annual meeting, after a decision by the chairman or when at least three FASM board members have made a request. A quorum in the FASM board is present when a majority of the members are present in the meeting.
The FASM board shall:
- a) conduct the responsibilities of the association according to items in §1.2
- b) organize elections
- c) appoint working groups
- d) prepare the items to be decided or discussed at the annual meeting
- e) prepare the annual activity report
- f) act in the interest of the FASM members
§4 Elections
Election of the FASM board for three years takes place at the annual meeting starting in 2018. An election committee for three years shall be elected at the annual meeting one year before the election of the FASM board. All FASM members are welcome to propose names to the election committee for positions in the FASM board.
§5 Changes in the regulations
Proposals for changes in the FASM regulations can be made by the FASM board or at least 20 members. The proposals shall be announced on the FASM homepage at least one month before the annual meeting. The decision on a proposal to change the regulations can only be yes or no.
§6 Closure of FASM
Proposal to close FASM as an association shall be handled in the same way as changes in regulations, §5.