
Workshop on the new spectroscopy beamline for materials science

08 November 2023, 13:00 - 17:00
Christopher Burns Kj2sanhg Hg Unsplash (2)

MAX IV Laboratory and Uppsala University invite you to participate in a half-day workshop to hear the status update and discuss the latest developments of the new spectroscopy beamline project for materials science (aka the HAXPES/tender X-ray beamline discussed previously).

At the end of 2023, MAX IV will provide WISE (Wallenberg Initiative Materials Science for Sustainability) with conceptual design reports for three material sciences beamlines. One of the proposed beamlines will focus on spectroscopy, specifically providing the community with HAXPES instrumentation to allow high throughput and operando characterisation of solid, liquid and gas interfaces. In this workshop, we will present the current state of the project to the community, including the science case, beamline design and technical capabilities of the end-stations. The objective is to get feedback and have detailed discussions to finalise various technical aspects of the project.

Attendees will receive a preliminary copy of the report the week before the workshop, along with a survey to collect feedback from the community.