Advisory bodies

…universitet, Sweden Per Eng-Johnsson, Lunds universitet, Sweden Per-Anders Carlsson, Chalmers, Sweden Peter Thomsen, Göteborgs universitet, Sweden Ramune Kuktaite, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Sweden Sophie Sanchez, Uppsala universitet, Sweden Ute Cappel, KTH, Sweden

Meet the students

…innovative strides in synchrotron methods and applications. Students from Lund University Nishant Patel Lund University, Sweden Operando X-ray spectroscopy of semiconductor nanostructure devices My expertise lies in Chemistry and Material…

Previous SCIENTÍFika

…Fisher, Group Leader Deuteration and Macromolecular Crystallization (DEMAX) Platform, European Spallation Source ERIC, Sweden Host: Ana González, manager at BioMAX beamline Keywords: Neutrons and X-rays, protein structures, single crystal Bragg…

Safety requirements for employees

…guide, not the law) Arbetsmiljöverket (Swedish Work Enviroment Authority) Folkhälsomyndigheten (Public Health Agency of Sweden) Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap (Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency) AFS 2011:19 – Kemiska arbetsmiljörisker (Chemical…

MAX IV involvement in European projects

…in theoretical spectroscopy, developers of electronic structure codes, XPS users, and instrument manufacturers. MAX IV is involved in the project as host of visiting researchers to promote knowledge exchange. Project…

Safety requirements for contractors

…are often used instead. People in Sweden are on average exposed to a dose of about 4 mSv per year. Almost 50%, about 2 mSv, is due to indoor exposure…

Living and working in southern Sweden

The multicultural environment in Sweden adds an extra dimension to workplaces. The vast majority of Scandinavians speak English fluently and quality of life is enhanced by a social security system available…

MXCuBE3 at BioMAX – User Guide

…mm use the 50 micron beam focus and an aperture of 50 or 20 microns. For very small crystals, it is best to use the fully focused beam and a…

One Time Password (OTP)

…the application Scan the QR-code Confirm by typing in a generated code Many fail to complete this last step. It must show the text in green “Security code successfully verified”….

MAX IV Board

…Matic, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden Ingmar Persson, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden Anna Sandström, AstraZeneca, Sweden Stacey Sörensen, Lund University, Sweden The MAX IV Board is required to…